Monday, February 9, 2009

Thing 7: This Really Shouldn't Be Available for Me to Play With.Part 2

Well now, it is next week and I have gone back and continued to play around with Image Chef and Letter James. Both are pretty cool and each has a functionality all their own. Of course that functionality would increase if I created accounts in each, but I am avoiding that for right now.

Letter James is sort of like the Bus add from the Generator Blog. You can add text to whatever image you can access, and then keep the image. Again I can see using this as a way to create different graphics for our web presence. Here is the image I made:

Next I went over to Image Chef. They have a very similar utility available, but they also provide you with scenes that you can manipulate to create your own fun Thing. Like this:

I am still interested in working in Toon Doo, and if I can get my account to work, I will have one more part to Thing 7. Otherwise I am on to Thing 8.

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