Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thing 15: Rollyo-e-o-e-o (Sorry Morris Day and the Time)

So Rollyo. Rollyo, Rollyo, where for art thou Rollyo?

Right here on the internet, where do you think? Juliet can be just a tad dense at times, even though she is my sun.

But really, this Thing is yet another that I don’t have a personal need for and can see still how it could be used to advantage. If I was a subject librarian and answered a narrower line of questions on a regular basis, this might be very useful. Since I am not, my needs range a little too wide for this to be of any regular use. In my personal life, I just don’t spend that much item on the internet to have a need for this. If I was to go back to school and was studying a specific subject, then I would see the relevance.

So in a quick conclusion, Rollyo has no particular draw for me, but I think it is a neat idea.

Thing 16, Thing 16, YOU TUBE

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